Not for what was, but what can be.


Update on the codebase, we’re getting a lot of the bugs worked out and adding in content layers. A lot of stuff doesn’t work, so if you’re here, you’re early, but thanks for being a tester! You might also be wondering what all this nonsense is about. We don’t know. Seriously.  We’re a rock band in the 21st century and that makes for uncertain territory, and this adventure is just beginning. We’re building this site as a lens, a radar dish… a reflector for a bunch of kooky ideas as we explore what it means to make the music and take the music to the streets in strange new times.

What we do know is while there are many ancient tales yet to unravel, that which was shall never be again. We can not “bring it back”. But we can peel back the onion. Conduct our own living experiments. Apply the notions of heavy, deep, psychedelic, far-out, groove, space, thunder… to the now.  And then… load it into a van and bring it to your town.

There is no record label. There is no plan. It might get weird.

Band NewsJason Farris